Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I received good news today

So most of you know or saw me at HS camp on crutches. Well I actually got completely off them yesterday and my foot is feeling much better. Today I had my Doc apt and after some X-Rays I was told that I had some inflammation in nerves in my heel and had mild tendonitis. It has been getting better little by little praise God so the Doc said it should be fine in time. I Just cant run or jump on the heel or put extra pressure on it so no working out legs for a while now lol. The Doc didn’t send me any meds but the Doc I work with will be scripting me something that will help out.

I want to thank everyone who prayed for me especially my new friend Scott. I know he must have been praying hard both him and his wife Shannon. I know Scott has been through a lot with his ankle and achilies problems. Almost every day if not every day Scott told me he was praying and I know it was because he has been there and is there with his problem and would not want that on anyone else. Thanks Scott and everyone else for your prayers it was those prayers to our living LORD that healed my foot a little every day.

And MOST of all I have to thank God because no matter what situation I am ever in I can always seem to smile and find joy in Jesus. I look back to the past years of high school or middle school and never could I say that I was happy in middle of problems. Thank you Lord for the peace you have given me in the face of problems. I love you JESUS..



Kim said...

Thank God there is nothing serious. I can have both my rec team crew hobbling around on crutches!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Prayer Warriors! I am glad that everything is fine. My doc is happy with the out come of surgery. I think you will be good for Extreme week, but me, I'll be on crouches and by then most likely a hard cast.

Anonymous said...

i did not see this post. Now I feel silly for asking you about your foot in the post about your dream. Anywho"Praise God!" you are healed.

Hey I finally added more elements to my blog and I made a post. You can check it's nothing spectacular though.