Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Father

This past weekend was father’s day and I was blessed to spend it with my family at our small farm in north Florida. All 3 living Acosta men were together on father’s day, my grandfather, dad, and myself. My father and I spent much of the weekend doing work around the farm it was tiring but fun to spend time with my dad; these days it’s hard to have quality time with my dad like when we used to do a lot of fishing so ill take quality time even if it’s working in the hot summer sun. Over the last 24yrs of my life my dad has had one goal in mind and that was to be a better father to me and my sister than his dad was to him. Seeing how his father is now and past stories I can proudly say that my dad is a superior father today compared to his father and any other in the world. My dad with all his faults (like anyone else) has given me and our family a great example of what a Christian man should be, he has always done his best to provide for all our needs and has given his heart to our lord and savior. My father has lived more than half his life here in the United States where he has worked hard, learn the language, and today has a good job with the government. He has shown me, what one can truly do if they just put effort and fight to move forward always keeping God first. We have had our ups and downs just like any other father/son team but I can proudly introduce my dad to anyone as my father he has truly been an example. My dad had a goal and it was to become a better father than his dad, he surpassed that goal. I have a goal as well and it is to be a better father one day than my dad was to me, I can only imagine how hard this will be.But I can’t wait to surpass him because I can only imagine how great a father I will be.

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