Saturday, October 25, 2008

Beautiful Creations

Here we have an awesome Sunset. I think Sunsets are one of Gods most beautiful creations. I have seen a lot of picture perfect sunsets and sunrises while out on my boat.

This is one of my favorite places to be on Earth. A nice tropical beach I love the Ocean and I thank God for it a lot believe me lol. I dont get out there as much as I wish but I enjoy it when im at the beach or out on the boat. This is a truly beautiful creation by our Lord.

Ahhh and the last place I will talk about. I like Space it facinates me, how it works and all the things in it. Truly a beautiful place to explor, too bad I dont work for NASA jajajahahah LOL. Another picture perfect place made by our God.

Why did I just take you on a tour of some of my favorite places? Well because they all share one things in common, they are beautiful creations made by our Lord.

But God created one more beautiful Creation his name is Jesus Christ. He died so that we could be forgiven of our sins, if we just ask and so that we could have a direct relationship with God. Jesus was obedient to God and died on the cross for us because of the Love that he has for us. Because he wants us to get ahead in our walk with God. Do you think that God would let his only Son die on a cross for us and then make the Christian walk impossible?
No way!!!
Sure it is hard and we fall from time to time but he is there extending his hand so that we can get up dust our self off and continue to walk with Him.

That was truly the most beautiful creation God ever made, forget the sunsets, tropical beaches, and space. Jesus Christ is truly the most beautiful creation ever made out of love from our God. Thank you for taking me from who I was and what I said I would do in life and makeing me into who I am now and who I will be, thank you for telling me what to do with my life. Now life truly makes sense.

Thank you Jesus for everything I love you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Watered Down

Christianity has been watered down so much that some think that we need to blend into society in order for society to accept Christ but this is far from the truth. We need to be different than society so that society sees God in us. I am not saying you have to wear a tie to church and I am not saying that women need to wear skirts. What I am saying is we need to remember that the bible tells us to dress in a humble fashion so as to no attract attention to our self. Let’s be real guys, this has nothing to do with a women using make up or painting their nails and everything to do with excessively baggy pants and pink and green hair. How is your friend going to see a difference in you after you come to Christ if you still speak, dress, and act the same as you did before you came to Christ.